Paysage de Champagne avec le ciel et la vigne | Parcelle de vigne du Champagne Laurent Godard à Verneuil dans la Vallée de la Marne
L'emblème du Clan | Champagne Laurent Godard

wine growing

Making our wine growing strategic so as to make it more environmentally friendly: this is our clan’s mission. Amaury and I work our land on a daily basis with this constant in mind.

In August 2018, we obtained the double certification « Exploitation de Haute Valeur Environnementale – HVE [High Environmental Value Business] » level 3, as well as « Viticulture durable en Champagne – VDC [Sustainable Wine Growing in Champagne] ».


Given that the systematic use of phytosanitary products is not always justified, our choices lead us to observe temperance in this area. This is why, on a regular basis, we analyse our soil in order to understand its real needs in terms of fertilisation.

Our goal:

a smaller dose of product for increased effectiveness, in order to benefit the vine.

Amaury montre une grappe de raisin avant les vendanges - Champagne Laurent Godard
Une vue panoramique sur les coteaux - Champagne Laurent Godard

Making our wine
growing strategic

Our profitability logic pushes us to target maximum efficiency without having too great an impact on the surrounding flora and fauna. First decision: make our ecological footprint smaller. This translates into a 50% reduction in the TFIs*, in comparison to the days of my parents, Madeleine and Maurice.

(*Treatment Frequency Index)

Listening to

The Meunier is king of the estate here. Reflecting its terroir, it reigns supreme, covering more than 2.55 hectares.

Accounting for 76,000 and 58,000 square metres respectively, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay come in second and third place respectively.

L'emblème du Clan | Champagne Laurent Godard
Un pied de vigne dans une parcelle du Champagne Laurent Godard
